Biscayne National Park

After more than a month of frigid weather in Lake county, Chicago, and getting used to it even with only a glimpse of sunlight on most days, I finally got a chance to take a winter break. Thanks to Sylvia who arranged everything to make things happen and Florida is a perfect choice. The warm and sunny weather there has made us feel that we are in summer at wintertime. Choosing the Biscayne area and that’s including the Everglade for side trips was out of this world.

The flight at 5 AM was way too early. I barely slept after arriving from work, but it was a choice to make full use of our time. Literally — a tradeoff. MIA is huge, but the directions are straightforward. Going to Rental Car Center, getting familiar with the place take time, and driving all the way to Dante Fascell Visitor Center take time — the Biscayne National Park and Key Largo where we stayed. Passing through tropical trees and water canals was a delight. The sight of palm trees, waterways and lagoons and other tropical vegetation along the way and with the warmth of the sun made us feel that we were in another world and out of the frigid weather in the Midwest.


Places of the Soul


Cuyahoga Valley