Joe Banez Joe Banez

Finding Backyards as Paradise

We all have our favorite place that we consider paradise. Here in Lake Bluff, I like walking in our back trail and enjoy the chirping of birds and that includes cicadas that dominate the sound of the atmosphere. Well, in matter of few weeks, they’ll be back in the subterranean and come out again in 13 or 17 years.

We all have that hidden cocoon wherein we connect ourselves to find peace and be with nature. You know listening to birds, reading a book, and laying on the grass. In every stage of life, we got that special spot. Here in Lake Bluff, we got this water pond in the backyard, but I find it too exposed that people see me right away. I need a place that is bit hidden and that has a lot of sunlight when it is cool and a shade when it too hot.

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Joe Banez Joe Banez

Be in Lake Bluff

I’m so blessed that I got a chance to live here for two years. It’s been a blessing and this gave me a chance to pick up the shards together and construct myself again. This seems a never ending tasks, but that’s how growth is. We are always learning.

Lucky to be here. It is such a beautiful town surrounded with greeneries. On top of it, I live in Tangley Oaks, a subdivision next to the train station. Actually, the noise of the train didn’t bother from the start and I supposed, the low frequency of train that passes by.

Surrounded by trees and there is a bike trail in the backyard. Finally got to experience of four seasons in my life. Actually, I like every season. The winter kind of pushing a little bit. As for the year 2024, it came late and most likely, it extended for another two weeks.

Once you step out of the house, nature is right there at your reach. At this time, we are surrounded by lush trees and bushes.

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Joe Banez Joe Banez

Warming Globe

It all begins with an idea.

Snowfall is decreasing in mountain ranges around the world and drastically in many regions.

Lack of snowfalls is a big global concern. According to studies that every 1-2 degree warming, it can make a difference with the forming of snowflakes. With our visit to Montana recently, we found out that in 5 years, the glaciers will disappear. It is all bad news with global warming.

Vital to ecosystems and economies, snow and ice levels affect tourism, hydropower production, and water supplies in many parts of the world. Scientists are tracking the changes and innovations are searching for solutions.

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Joe Banez Joe Banez

One in Nature

It all begins with an idea.

We may differ in beliefs, politics, philosophy, values, ideas, and so on, but when it comes to nature, we all kind of come together and be on the same track.

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