Stepping Out of our Comfort Zone

The Covid pandemic had changed significantly the lives of people. It became a disruptor and a game changer. On my side, it pushed me more out of my comfort zone. The summer of the pandemic (2020) got things going, I was compelled to move out and look for a place to stay. This topic came up during my trip to Sierra de Guara with a friend and his family. He friend suggested trying a place outside Barcelona. With no present commitments, that sparked the idea to try something new and to expand the horizon. He suggested checking out San Fernando in Andalucía. As soon as I got to my temporary place, I scouted places for apartments there, but I couldn’t find anything I want. I tried a bigger city next to it — Cádiz. There, I was able to find a place and found the place more interesting, and the next thing — I found myself living in a new place starting from zero. Not knowing anybody proved to be a challenge. However, speaking the language is a big plus, and rooming myself with college students made also a big difference. We got along together and I was able to level with them like family and not as strangers. I think traveling to new places and living there for some time can expand our comfort zone. These are the reasons why.

The mindset that everything is temporary. Having wired yourself that everything is temporary makes you enjoy the moment and see things day by day. The luxury that you have now — enjoy it for it soon loses its appeal, the pain, the discomfort, and so on. Every situation has to be savored. After 9 months there, I had to move out but didn’t know where. In Cádiz, it is not uncommon to see landlords opt for students as tenants so that when summer comes, their places will be rented by summer vacationers willing to pay rent at a higher price. Just as was about to begin, I had to find a place for summer.

Minimize what I have. We all hate changes especially when we get comfortable in a place. Another time, I got to do my packing again and the question comes again, how can I reduce my stuff and travel lighter? It is hard where to put everything. Luckily, I got a friend who took some of my clothes and tennis rackets. Again, I have to come back for them someday and resolve this issue. Hopefully, I can reduce everything to a minimum level in the near future.

Reaching out. We cannot afford to isolate ourselves. One way or another, we’ve got to reach out unless we prefer going solo. Reaching out means an opportunity to help and get help. I think it goes hand in hand. Learning to show vulnerability and weakness can also open up opportunities.

An opportunity to meet people. I didn’t know what to expect by going to a farm. What sort of people is present in this place? there? When you are in a no man’s land, you are forced to deal and collaborate with people.

Thriving in a new terrain and environment. When you change your comfort zone, it is uncomfortable at first, but pretty soon, you can get used to the environment and get used to it.


This is just the beginning


Appreciating the beauty around us