How I view the world
Know thyself and follow your heart …
At times, it looks fuzzy out there! My life’s journey is about exploration and sizing up how far can I go. Being static is not my thing while a pause is a time to get re-energized and get back on a trail again. If I come to a full halt, it means the show is over.
The horizon in my midst is limitless. What I can do right now is a step to keep myself going. At times, hesitation creeps in. Doubts and fears set by others on the way may slow me down and re-think. Is this the right path? But in the end, I just have to follow my heart. I just have to keep pushing and see how things happen.
It seems blurry at times sometimes, but in life, things are going to unfold along the way.
The beauty around me is what I imagined to be or what I chose to take. This is the only way for me and nobody is going to take that path away.