Know Your Heart’s Deepest Desires

Knowing our deepest values can be daunting to many of us. To me, traveling and meeting friends and family elsewhere seems to be the dominant feature of my existence here. Education and training also are something that I value. It is the constant improvement that I want to be in. I really don’t care if I’m humbled. I always seek out the right environment to excel. If I see that my improvement is impeded, I make sure that I’m out of it whenever I get a chance. I need to go out there and do things. My perception of my time is now. There is no tomorrow. That’s why if I have the opportunity, I will grab it thinking that this won’t last forever. I must take it now or never. Comfort and luxury are great, but it becomes an oasis or a stepping stone to go for a bigger exploration. My siblings want me to be stable, but I’m not that kind of person. I have to go with my natural self and not go with their whims.

  1. Rate Your Life Domains

    Family and friends are at the top of my list here. Education and training are always the keys to constant improvement. Work to support myself and gain the freedom to explore places, and most of all, spend time with family and friends. To be physically fit and healthy to go places and achieve creative expression as I go along the journey.

    • Family

    • Marriage, couples, intimate relations

    • Parenting

    • Friends, social life

    • Work

    • Education, training

    • Recreation, Fun

    • Spirituality

    • Citizenship, community life

    • Physical self-care (diet, exercise, sleep)

    • Environmental concerns

    • Art, creative expression, and aesthetics

  2. Rate Your Consistency. This needs to be taken to another level. To be on top, I need to constantly work on it every day.

  3. Write Down Your Values

    • What do I care about in this area?

      • Perhaps people perceive me as selfish. I’d like to see places at all cost and recently, I try to incorporate seeing friends, for I don’t have enough time left. As of now, I’m now zeroing in to visit friends throughout my travel. I value this aspect, for we all not going to be here for such a long time. I say I got 5 years in me and every year is precious. Every day is precious, so to speak.

      • Continuing education is the top priority. I’m more active that ever before and also, my activities to education includes traveling and learning new things.

      • Work is also a priority. It isn’t a good feeling to be dependent on somebody. I have to make things happen in terms of work and hopefully I can find a work that I can fully enjoy and there is a lot of camaraderie in it. I think at this time I’m not able to find that and will certainly more effort and attain this atmosphere. As of now, I’m making a tradeoff. Sacrificing something in order to attain something.

      • As of now, physical activities are centered with people. I still have to do training which I can do it myself. Weight training is the priority and also eating a bit healthy.

      • I’ve been practicing photography and I think my atmosphere and the place where I’m staying is allowing to do that. I should make full use and be consistent.

    • What do I want to do in this area that reflects that caring?

    • What can I do to manifest this value more in my life?


Focusing your efforts and energies


I’m so small in this world