Personal Reflection 2

Aim: to seek out principles and values that are non-negotiable

What principles or values are non-negotiable for me?

Although I have many shortcomings in life and that makes me humble and come back stronger. However, these are the things I value.

Empathy and respect. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Being compassionate and demonstrates a genuine concern for the well-being of others.

Listening to people and putting myself in their shoes and respecting people’s rights, space, things, and their beliefs come naturally and that comes also with compassion towards people around us.

Kindness involves being generous, considerate, and helpful. It shows acts of kindness and their willingness to make a positive impact on the world.

Kindness in me comes naturally. Everybody has kindness from the start of their life. The question is how can you sustain that kindness throughout your life. Life can be tough to many of us. Kindness can just be your extended family. Still, kindness does not depend on the external factors around me. It is a way of giving back from the all the blessings that I received over the years; that stays along the line of kindness. So, kindness to me is not something that I measure. It is something that comes from the heart.

Integrity is honest, ethical and principled. They maintain a high level of integrity in all their actions and decisions.

Intergrity is not easy to sustain. There are lots temptations out there that come in disguise and at times, the tendency to make a short cuts like making big bucks, being bribed, and so on. Integrity is always being tested no matter state we are in. At times, it is tested when we feel tired and desperate. Integrity is tested through time. So, I cannot let my guards down. They way once you break that integrity, it is hard to build it again.

Perseverance is being resilient and determined. They don't give up easily and are willing to work hard to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

I say that there are some aspects of perseverance that I excel and there are areas that I stop short particularly goal setting. I think the lack of details make my goal setting comes short. This is something that I need to work on.

Courage is the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or other forms of intimidation or adversity, despite feeling afraid. They exhibit courage in pursuing their goals and standing up what they believe in.

At times, I’m courageous with a number of things like going solo in terms of traveling and daring myself to go unique places and most of all, the courage to confront uncertainties in life. However there are certain parts of courage that I need to work on like standing up for your rights. At times, I keep silent and bear it out. Perhaps an issue on lack communication skills and not being assertive enough. Being comfortable of being ambiguous. The open minded with a lot of things can also lead to accepting the opinions without saying your side. Overall, I tend not to express to what I believe in.

Accountability: Taking responsibility for one's actions is a fundamental value. They own up to their mistakes and strive to make amends. This is something that I excel in. I’m not afraid to accept my mistakes, make corrections, and move on.

Leadership is the ability to inspire, motivate, and guide others.

I’m more a back behind leader. I watch what people are doing — make observations, so to speak.


Como alimentar tus sueños


Personal Reflection 3