I got to see Lake Bluff be doing in Lake Bluff know what to expect when I arrived in Lake Bluff for the first time. L Fall season was just pickiyears in Lake Bluff was a period of great outdoors every single day. Even at the start fo the morning to Life’s uncertainties make us venture to places that we never thought of going. Perhaps this is my thing — going to places. Even that I don’t know. When I look back at, it seems to be a pattern. The pattern to change places when things are not meant to be and that’s why I don’t know how long will I stay in a place. It is not good to settle down. Luckily, I got a chance to stay in Lake Bluff for almost two years and that gave me a chance to know a place. In that span of time, I got to enjoy in any way I can Lake Bluff and its surroundings and once in a while, we would go to downtown Chicago. By staying in Lake Bluff, I got a chance to know the backtrails, not all, but good enough to connect to nature everyday.
Stepping out of the house is perspective. It is just living in the woods. an invitation to try out Lake Bluff and Lake Forest area, just a 45-minute drive to downtown Chicago. This move led me to enjoy nature right in our backyard and that gave me a chance to travel to U.S. National Parks.
nce I step out in the garage, I could listen birds chirping, squirrels chasing each other, and in summer, the greeneries are more pronounced. It is