Not expecting too much when going to places. My traveling buddies expected to see bears feasting on salmons at Brooks Falls in Katmai. However, the first batch of salmons was just beginning to go upstream. It wasn’t time yet for bears to go to this sight; it is hard to predict anything. They come as they pleases. I mean the salmons and the bears. Although we didn’t see any bear in Katmai, but there was a talk in town that a bear ventured at Brooks Falls late in the afternoon at 6:00 PM.
As went took the boardwalk heading to Brooks Falls, we saw anglers in the crystal clean river and for me, that was a sight. I am not a big aficionado of fishing, but I’m just a bystander waiting for things to happen. It was a wonderful to see this anglers trying their luck to catch a big salmon. I found later on that it wasn’t that easy to catch one even though there are right there lining up for the moment to go upstream.