Coming from Winter Break

Upon arriving from Miami, O’hare airport welcomed us with light flurries. It was a wonderful break and a 3-full day was just right although there are still places unexplored. Spending more time in Lake Bluff gazing out of the window. The snow is part of my scene here. It was stupendous to be in the parks around Miami and the warm weather really makes me dream of summer again. I have to remind myself not to get get ahead of myself. If I come to think of it — it is actually nice to have four seasons. Four seasons make us enjoy time in a moment-to-moment basis.

Today is Chinese New Year’s Day. I heard that California made this day a State holiday. Chinese New Year brings back my Chinese roots. Too bad I don’t speak Chinese, but I enjoy watching customs and traditions. I felt like I'm integrated in Chinese culture. Actually, the blood is.


Sunny and Cold


What I look forward to