Sierra de Guara
What was once thought to be just a one time summer getaway has turned into a yearly summer excursion.
When we first heard of canyoning and had the opportunity to do it. Canyoning was introduced to us by Frederic and Roser who have been doing it for ages. This outdoor activity is seen as a dangerous activity. In fact, it is when done without guides. n fact, it is when done without guides. You need guides to show you the technical skills of rappelling. canyoning comes to everybody’s mind, it Canyoning has a reputation requires hiking to a particular canyon. It can be a wet or dry and repelling can be a part of it. As for the wet type of canyoning, wearing a wet or neoprene suit is requited, because of icy cold water and it supports your body any bumps navigating through the rocks and water. An exciting ride Expect navigating through rocks and ride along the stream of water.
I never thought of participating canyoning in my life. This outdoor activity unfolded when friends extended an invitation to me and being part of it has led to other group activities over the years. We all started it for the first time, but Frederic and Roser, who have been doing for ages. They’ve been our guides every time we go there and going with experienced couple gave us a safety feeling and to do it in a right way — Group safety becomes as a priority.
It and depending what type of canyoning you’re going to do participating in canyoning before, but the opportunity came to join friends in Barcelona for this type of outdoor activity particularly doing it together for the first time. I never gave a second thought when asked. It’s always an opportunity to know places when friends come up with something to explore for the first time. However, canyoning requires experienced guides to weigh difficulty of the terrain as the course is constantly changing depending on the water level and to show us to rappel and other technicalities of traversing through obstacles, and most of all, a safe way to do it. Fortunately, we got Frederic and Roser, who have been doing this for decades and volunteered to be our guides.
Canyoning can be done safe and a fun activity with friends. The fact is that you are dealing with nature and obstacles such as cliffs, rocks, and running waters — accidents can happen. With guides around and seeing what members of the group are doing, it gives you an idea what to do. By having a guide on the front and back, we’ve felt safe over the years doing this outdoor activity. It could have been a different story, if an accident had happened.
Sierra de Guara
Just 3.5 hours away from Barcelona, Sierra de Guara Natural Park is located in the pre-pyrenees area of Huesca province, Aragón. Its arid setting can be deceiving, but as you deep into the canyon, there are hidden wonders.
Cultural Tour
We’ve visited Alquezar a number of times and that included our visit when we did the Río de Vero Canyoning. It was a long one, but fun.
Our Choice to Stay
We like staying in Rodellar, because of the convenience of going to trails around and the restaurant.
Group’s decision. Upon arriving, Frederic and Roser get information what’s out there — the weather and the water level. Once information is obtained, we get together and discuss which canyon to take for the following day and we all agree which one to take. We usually take the wet and the dry canyon.
Group’s chemistry. There is a good flow of energy in the group — it is effortless. Everybody is doing their part and you just have to find something to contribute. First, we usually take two cars and our group is made of 6-7 depending. We wait for each other and have a drink in our usual place before proceeding to Rodellar.
Potluck dinner. We bring something to share for dinner and it is a festive dinner and we always good selection courtesy of Javier. I’m getting used to and comfortable listening to Catalan and Spanish conversation and with the understanding of the language over the years, I felt better and can participate.
This place is known for canyoning, rock climbing and hiking.
Prepping Up
As soon as we get there, we ask information of the water level and places that is safe to get there, then we get together, talk about it and make a decision for the first canyoning. Safety comes first for us and enjoying the weekend.
Canyons Explored
Barrasil. This is my favorite canyon because it treats you with a long swim at the end.
Río Vero
My Favorites
Actually, I like every canyon that we’ve done. Every canyon has its beauty and the terrain from one another. I like Barrasil because I’m familiar with this canyon. I like the end part where you are treated with a long swim or just float all the way to the end. Mascún is dry and you got pretty high tricky rappelling along the way. I love de los Oscuros for its beauty of the waters and the caves that you pass along the way.
I’d like to acknowledge Frederic and Roser who made it possible for us to do this adventure.