
Most of us are wired to a stable life — a stable way of living. After graduating, a standard route comes right away — a stable job, starting a family life, and retiring. We all want to be stable in life. However, it isn’t the only direction.

I feel that stability isn’t in my nature of doing things, but I do respect the vantage point — having a stable life. In many ways, their point of view helps me balance myself and holds me back from going to extremes. For years, I tried and tried to be like them, but it is just not me and on top of that, my natural path won’t let me. The pathway has already been paved this way and it’s hard to change direction. I have gotten used to it and settled in line with the phrase, “Que me quiten lo bailao”. It is translated,“I’d do it again if I could, I’ve no regrets”. I see also the drawbacks of being stable.

Stability is a trap. A stable job brought the affordability of owning a house. It is the classic way most of us pursue. This house becomes a home and a place to raise a family. Most likely, you’ll stay in this place most of your life. But once you are in the comfort of your home for years and years, and all your life, it is hard to get out.

Stability is a myth. With all the uncertainties in the world around us, stability is just in our imagination.

Stability is for the endgame. It is for the dead. We become cautious and get into a zone of conservatism. We become afraid to lose everything that we worked for.


Looking forward to better things to come


Why I keep on traveling