Lake Bluff’s Beauty
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There is beauty in every place. Here in Lake Bluff, I don’t have to seek further. It’s right there around me. Waking up late at night and walking downstairs to grab a glass of water, the blanket of snow around illuminates this place. It is magical.

The Power of Light
Light streaming through draws me out of my comfort zone. Being out there makes me engaged in nature.

Somebody is Checking me Out.
As I went along my morning, I got to see my neighborly deer friends checking me out.

A visit from our deer friends
On such a gorgeous day, our white-tailed deer friends came by for a visit. We were elated to see them.

Gorgeous Day
Enjoying one day at a time. There is no need to get ahead of myself. Cherishing the moment that I have right now.

Sunny and Cold
Instead of going around the loop of the development area, I’ve been going to the backwoods and that gives me a sensation of being out of the grid.

Celebrating the countdown
We celebrate in a tranquil way thinking all the blessings that we received for the year 2022. I’m thankful to be here in Chicago. It’s a beautiful place to be celebrating it in our own way.